Welcome to Part 1 of the Your Revolution Strong Women Create Strong Communities Series. We are incredibly humbled to be joined by B.Kindred founder Penny Locaso.
Penny is on a mission to teach 1 million women how to nail their happy in work and life by 2020.
Recently Penny delivered a keynote in her bathing suit in front of 100 professionals, to demonstrate the power of getting comfortable with discomfort in order to make happy change. The moment went viral, was accoladed by professionals globally and inspired the #nakedforchange movement encouraging individuals to practice vulnerability for meaningful change in business and life.
A massive action taker, change expert and all round game-changer, Penny's message is simple, get curious about your life. Find out what excites you and with action comes clarity.
Sit back and enjoy every second of this episode with a notebook and pen. You'll want to take notes from this one!